Saturday, January 29, 2011


I'm ready for my walk!!
Chase always has to have part of the lease in his mouth on our walks!!
I'm not sure "who" is leading "who" ?
We need to work on some of those "heeling" cues!! "I" want to take this path through the pine trees!!

I'm learning "all" about how to help with the "ranch" chores!!
I just got to meet the "Roping Steers" this past week!!
I think I like them more then they like me!!
I figured if "Tigger" could do the "THE BRIDGE" thing ... so could "I" !!

We'll its been a very busy day & you can see that I'm all tuckered out!!
Don't "all" of you wish that you could still lay on your tummy like this?? !!
I'm happy, loved and very content with my "forever family"!!

It might be a couple of month's before my Mom gives you another up-date on my little puppy life. I think Tigger is beginning to feel a little left out!! Plus Mom tells me that next week she is going to start back training her horse...& I will have to "share" her time with "another" ranch critter. :-(
I'm really looking forward to meeting Tigger and maybe getting to lead him around the ranch someday!! I'm sure dreaming and hoping for that one!!
Please stay tuned in...I'm sure I will pop up on the blog "sooner" than later!! LOL!!


"Look" how big I've gotten since our last post!!
Today I'm already 4 months old and way to heavy for Mom to carry me around! I'm sort of sad about was a fun time being a tiny puppy!...but as you can see below I'm having lots of fun going to town with Mom & sometimes even with Dad. :-) I just love going to "FREDDY'S with Mom...she always brings me out a "new" chew bone or a "new" squeaky toy!! :-) I also love driving Dad a little crazy with those!! LOL!!
I really should be a little kinder to my Dad...since he donated his very "OLD" shoe for me to enjoy when I get a little bored in the car. If I (Mom) only had some extra time to write about the story of the ..."OLD SHOE" !! LOL!!
Anyway... Thanks a bunch Dad!!
Mom had so many fun things to share about me this past month...she is going to do 2 blogs in one evening...yes I said 2 blogs!!