Monday, November 8, 2010

Tigger's 2nd USR Trail Challenge...


In spite of the rain and my feet being soaked we finished our 3rd Trail Challenge!! I wanted to explain a few of the obstacles that Tigger and I had to maneuver through. The first one was "LOG JAM"...please pay attention how careful Tigger places his feet. I think he did a better job than his trainer!! LOL!! The second one was "LEADING HIM ON THE OFF SIDE" (which we have never trained for!!) Doesn't he look like he is scared "almost" to death having me drag the tarp by his side walking around those spooky poles?? Now you need to remember that Tigger is only "2 " !! The third was "TROTTING AROUND THE BLACKBERRY BUSH". He was suppose to trot...but I think he didn't like me asking him to trot on the "off" side. He does an awesome job from the "CORRECT" side!! :( The forth was going through the "CAR WASH" and then right "OVER THE BRIDGE" he loved doing that!! He was such a "GOOD BOY" !!! You're kidding "MORE" tarps ?? He was sure hoping to have a little break and morning snack while transferring the hay nets from one barrel to the other. I think "THE TUNNEL" is his favorite thing to do!! We put it up and we tried really hard to make it scary for him and all the other horses. Some of the other horses did have a few issues with passing through. One of last obstacles is "BACKING THROUGH POLES" laying on the ground. Backing is one of Tigger's great qualities for a "YOUNG" horse!! :) The judges just loved him and it looks like he loved them back!! Hope you enjoyed our video and we hope to be making some more very soon. :) MAYBE THE NEXT ONE WILL BE A LITTLE SHORTER...IT HAS TAKEN WAY TOOOOO LONG TO DOWNLOAD THIS ONE !!!